I would like to make commercial software with Python 2.7. Please let me know the following.
①Do I have to disclose all the source code?
②Is it impossible to compile without decompiling?
③I use several modules such as Pandas, but I compiled them and exe
Is there a knack for formatting it? (Previously, I py2exe Scipy, Numpy
But I remember not doing well.I have a vague recollection...)
Thank you for your cooperation.
ソースDo I have to disclose all the source code?
No, you don't need to disclose it.
This does not apply to using GPL-licensed modules.
逆Is it impossible to compile without decompiling?
It's impossible in all languages, not just Pyhton.
You can use Cython or pyminifier to make analysis a little harder.
PI am using several modules such as Pandas, but is there a knack for compiling them into exe format?
Here are some important points to note when using the main libraries.
ソースDo I have to disclose all the source code?
You don't need to do this unless you have a license, such as your library.
逆Is it impossible to compile without decompiling?
③I am using several modules such as Pandas, but is there a trick to compile them into exe format?
There are other ways besides py2exe to compile Python-created projects, including dependent libraries.See "How do I compile Python programs into executable binaries?".
I have the impression that Python doesn't have that much demand for code-keeping, and that tools aren't developing very well.I think we can make reverse engineering difficult by using obfuscation and encryption.See "How do I protect Python code?" (not just the top answer, but other answers may be helpful).
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