I am making a map application, but I would like to change the pin image to the individual image stored in FirebaseStorage.
I don't think the first half of the code is relevant, but I'm a beginner and I don't know how far to show it, so I'll reveal the whole thing.
The pin image remains the default.
The image acquisition itself seems to be working, and print(imageimageimage!)
can read information about the stored image, but the actual pins remain the default.
Also, at the bottom of the build error,
Missing return in a function expected to return 'MKAnnotationView!'
appears with an error message.
I think I am doing return
, but is there something wrong?
func mapView (mapView: MKMapView!, viewForAnnotation!) - > MKAnnotationView!{
if notation===mapView.userLocation{//Leave default for annotations indicating current location
return nil
} else{
// Replace the corresponding data in the array with a constant called item?
let items = contentArray
// Get images, first connect to FirebaseStorage
let storage=Storage.storage()
// Create a storage reference from your storage service
let storageRef=storage.reference(forURL: "https://firebasestorage.googleapis.com/v0/b/catmap-44f0a.appspot.com/o/")
US>for item in items {
// Convert the contents of the item to a dictionary type?
let content=item.value as!Dictionary<String, Any>
for (key, element) in content {
let pinData=content[key] as![String:Any]
if let geohash=pinData["geohash"]as? US>String{
let(latitude, longitude) = Geohash.decode(hash:geohash)!
let announcement = MKPointAnnotation()
annotation.coordinate=CLLocationCoordinate2DMake (CLLocationDegrees(latitude.min), CLLocationDegrees(longitude.min))
let reuseId="pin"
iflet pinView=self.mapView.dueReusableAnnotationView(withIdentifier:reuseId){
return pinView
else {// Generate if there are no reusable annotations (for example, first time)
let pinView = MKAnnotationView (announcement: announcement, reuseIdentifier: reuseId)
// Firebase Storage Image Reference
let catRef=storageRef.child("images/\(key)/0.jpg")
// fetch the download URL
catRef.downloadURL{(URL, error)->Void in
// Handle any errors
} else{
// Get the download URL for 'images/stars.jpg'
// Generating a UIImage with a URL Example
let PictureURL=URL!
Create session objects with default settings.
let session = URLSession(configuration:.default)
Define the download task.The download task is:
Download the contents of the URL as a data object.
You can do what you want with that data.
let downloadPicTask = session.dataTask (with:catPictureURL) {(data, response, error) in
The download is complete.
iflet = error {
print("An error occurred while downloading cat picture:\(e)")
} else{
No errors were found.
If there is no response, it will change, so please check that as well.
ifless=response as?HTTPURLResponse{
iflet imageData=data{
Finally, we convert the data into an image.
I will use it to do what I want.
let imageimage=UIImage(data:imageData)
print (imageimageimage!)
} else{
print("Failed to get image: no image available")
} else{
print("The response code could not be retrieved for any reason")
return pinView
self.mapView.addAnnotations (announcementArray)
As you can see in the comments, I don't know how and from where to how it was verified, so I can't give you a specific code that can be verified, but I can't make it work without making a big correction just by looking at it.
The outline of your code is as follows:
func mapView (mapView:MKMapView!, viewForAnnotation!) - > MKAnnotationView!{
if notation===mapView.userLocation{//Leave default for annotations indicating current location
return nil
} else{
// Replace the corresponding data in the array with a constant called item?
let items = contentArray
US>for item in items {
// Convert the contents of the item to a dictionary type?
let content=item.value as!Dictionary<String, Any>
for (key, element) in content {
let pinData=content[key] as![String:Any]
if let geohash=pinData["geohash"]as? US>String{
let(latitude, longitude) = Geohash.decode(hash:geohash)!
annotation.coordinate=CLLocationCoordinate2DMake (CLLocationDegrees(latitude.min), CLLocationDegrees(longitude.min))
let reuseId="pin"
iflet pinView=self.mapView.dueReusableAnnotationView(withIdentifier:reuseId){
return pinView//->(2)
else {// Generate if there are no reusable annotations (for example, first time)
let pinView = MKAnnotationView (announcement: announcement, reuseIdentifier: reuseId)
return pinView//->(2)
(1) The method header shown is up to Swift2.In Swift3, the same MKMapViewDelegate
method looks like this:
func mapView(_mapView:MKMapView, viewFornotation:MKAnnotation) ->MKAnnotationView? {
Swift is still a developing language, especially Swift2→3, where almost every practical app has made significant changes that need to be modified.If you're pulling a reference code from the Internet, you have to check if the article is the same version as your Swift, or you'll have to learn more about Swift's language transition history than Swift or iOS programming.Be careful.
(2) Are you writing a return
statement for this method (except nil
if let geohash=pinData["geohash"] as? Only if the String conditions are met.There are no return
statements to run if none of the data that meets that condition exists in the contentArray
.This is causing the Missing return
(3) You cannot normally call (4) As I mentioned above, it is not normal to ignore the (5) I wonder if this is an instance property because I cannot find a declaration of The following is a rough outline of the revised policy: "Create annotations from Since it will require a major revision, if you can modify the code to the extent that the compilation can pass based on the above policy, you should ask a separate question, even if there is still a difference from the desired behavior.
in the mapView(_:viewFor:)
method. You can run addAnnotations(_:)
somewhere else before the map appears, and the mapView(_:)
method simply announcement
parameter and create another MKPointAnnotation
instance (MKPointAnnotation
) within the mapView(_:viewFor:)
in the method.We have done append(_:)
for this array, but we do not see any code to empty the array, which means that the array expands every time the mapView(_:viewFor:)
method is called (which is called quite often during MKMapView
and do addAnnotations(_:)
"is another method in mapView(_:viewFor:)
of action that the annotation determines.(At this point, you create a MKAnnotation
implementation class, not a MKAnnotationView
.) mapView(_:viewFor:)
returns one MKMapAnnotationView
created based on the annotation
parameter. If the properties required for this purpose do not exist in the existing MKAnnotation
class, create the original MKnotation
by creating an annotation from contentArray
is another method of mapView(_:viewFor:)
or the action method whose annotation is determined, of course not the same number of times)(At this point, MKAnnotation
is an implementation class, not MKAnnotationView
returns one MKMapAnnotationView
created based on the annotation
parameter, creating the original MKAnnotation
class if the required properties do not exist in the existing class.
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