Nice to meet you.
I received a lot of comments from the previous question and even set up settings to use SQLite.
However, I tried to find out how to create a DB to see if it really touched SQLite, but I could only find a way to add System.Data.SClite.dll.
Install SQLite for Windows Runtime and
Add SQLite for Windows Runtime and c++ 2013 to
Installing sqlite-net is over.
I made a button with xaml.Some statements begin with a private void that writes click event processing to MainPage.xaml.cs.
private void connect_bt(object sender, RoutedEventArgse)
Do you write a description of connecting to or creating a DB through SQLite?
I can't find any information and I can't check if the DB connection works.
What is the description of using SClite in c# to create a DB for use in the store application?
I don't mind if it's a reference site, so please let me know.
Thank you for your cooperation.
Now that we have implemented it, we would like to place the source code here.
public sold partial class MainPage:Page
Loaded + = MainPage_Loaded;
voidMainPage_Loaded(object sender, RoutedEventArgse)
// decide where to save the database and the name of the database file
vardbpath=Path.Combine (Windows.Storage.ApplicationData.Current.LocalFolder.Path, "Food.db");
// Connect to the database file specified in dbpath
// Create Table
// transaction processing
// Creating a Record
db.Insert(new Food() {Name="Shoyu Ramen", Price=500, Calorie=700});
db.Insert(new Food() {Name="Kitsune Udon", Price=350, Calorie=500});
db.Insert(new Food() {Name="Curry Rice", Price=450, Calorie=1000});
db.Insert(new Food() {Name="Potato Chips", Price=200, Calorie=600});
// Set to ListView Source
public class food
// main key, automatic serial number
AutoIncrement, PrimaryKey
public int Id {get;set;}
// Column Type and Name
public string name {get;set;}
public int Price {get;set;}
public int Calorie {get;set;}
// output format
public override string ToString()
return string.Format("ID: {0}\tProduct Name: {1}\tPrice: {2} yen\tCalorie: {3}kcal", Id, Name, Price, Calorie);
Thank you to everyone who commented.
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