Thank you for your help.
I am currently using C++ in VisulStudio 2015, and when I tried to build, almost all variables were no longer recognized as variables (undefined identifiers) even though spelling and grammar errors were fine with precompilation checks.
I have checked many times, but the grammar is not wrong, and I don't know why this happens.
Please press the corrective action.Thank you for your cooperation.
# include <iostream>
# include <fstream>
# include <cstdlib>
# include <vector>
# include <string>
# include <cmath>
# include <complex>
# include <numeric>
# include <functional>
# include <map>
# include <tuple>
# include <algorithm>
# define Alpha 0.06 // linear loss [cm-1]
const double pi = 3.141592653;
const double e0 = 8.854*1e-12;
const double u0 = 4*pi*1e-7;
const double c=299792458; // Light Speed
const double h=6.62607004e-34;//Planck Number
const double = 30.; // Raman Gain
const double cross_section= (220e-9*445e-9)/(1e-2*1e-2); // [cm2]
using namespace std;
namespace functions {
/* Natural Raman scattering*/
auto seed=[](double pump, double cs) {return(13e-9*pump-4.5e-11)*1e-9/cs;};
/* Cellular Myers Distributed*/
auton=[](double Lambda) {return sqrt(11.6858+0.939816/method::nijo(Lambda)+0.00810461*method:::nijo(Lambda)/(nijo(Lambda)-method:::nijo(1.1071));};
/*Basic expression*/
// Stokes Light
auto f_Est=[] (complex<double>Est,complex>double>Epump,complex>double>east,const double z,const double alpha_TPA) {return g/2*(conj(Epump)*est+jump(*)*Epump(*)*)
// Rayleigh scattered light
auto f_Epump=[](complex<double>Est,complex>double>Epump,complex>double omega_st,const double omega_ly,const double omega_TPA) {return/2*(storm_(*)_norm(*)
// Anti-Stokes light
autof_East=[] (complex<double>Est, complex>double>Epump, complex>double>double>East, const double z, const double omega_st, const double omega_ast, const double _st double_st, const double omega_st, const double _st _turgome {)
/* Loss-free equation*/
// Stokes Light
autonon_loss_f_Est=[](complex<double>Est,complex<double>Epump,complex>double>East,const doublez) {return/2*(conj(Epump)*Est+conj(East)*Emp(jump)*)}
// Rayleigh scattered light
auto non_loss_f_Epump=[] (complex<double> Est, complex<double>Epump, complex>double>East, const double omega_ly) {return g/2*(omega_loom(*)}
// Anti-Stokes light
autonon_loss_f_East=[](complex<double>Est,complex<double>Epump,complex>double>East,const double z,const double omega_st,const double omega_ast){sturname(*){/agome(*)}
I don't know exactly if you don't give me the error message and the line, but
/* Cell Myers Distributed*/
auton=[](double Lambda) {return sqrt(11.6858+0.939816/method::nijo(Lambda)+0.00810461*method:::nijo(Lambda)/(nijo(Lambda)-method:::nijo(1.1071));};
is not declared, but you are accessing method::nijo()
.Also, nijo()
has not been declared.
Spelling and grammar errors were OK with pre-compilation checks
Do you mean IntelliSense
?In C#/VB.NET, this feature is analyzed using the actual compiler for almost certain pre-checks, but due to the nature of the language, complete analysis is not possible in C++ (for example, how many times #include
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