Excuse me for asking this first question.
I usually use Sublime Text 3 on Windows and wanted to use it in Ubuntu environment, so I tried to add SublimeMozcInput, which allows me to input Japanese using https://qiita.com/kanpou0108/items/bc739c1215fc222f17c8, but it didn't work.
Package Control: Error downloading repository.HTTP exception InvalidCertificateException (Host api.github.com returned an invalid certificate ([SSL:TLSV1_ALERT_PROTOCOL_VERSION] tlsv1 alert protocol version (_ssl.c:548) downloading = https://api.github.com/repos/yasuyuky/SublimeMozcInput "downloading ""https://api.github.com/repos/yasuyuky/SublimeMozcInput .
Github forum seems to have encountered a similar problem.However, I couldn't do anything that I could test with my English ability.If you have the same problem, please let me know.
ubuntu sublimetext
Currently, it seems that SublimeMozcInput cannot be installed from the Package Control, so I can't see your symptoms, but I can now use SublimeMozcInput by cloning the plug-in directly from the GitHub repository.
This is the GitHub repository for SublimeMozcInput.Clone to a folder that appears under Preferences > Browse Packages... from here.
The rest can be found on the Official page of this SublimeMozcInput
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