105 questions
I am using git in Windows using gitbash.When you try push on github At first, you ask for an ID and passwordAfter that, I no longer asked if the information was stored in local. I want to change the i...
Is GitHub a stored site where several developers put the source code together?Can I use the code I need or want to use here?
From Git Lab Successfully created a project Can you give me permission for each folder within the project?The current configuration is... ?Spring, iOS, Android, and NodeJs each have their own parts Pu...
in cmd If I do pip install git+git://github.com/VincentLeroux/Laser.git, there is an error, how do I install the module?? ERROR: Error [WinError 2] The specified file could not be found while executin...
I got this error from push while uploading the file to github. Help me figure it out remote. Everything's fine There was no error when uploading the first file last time.
What does github gain from changing the other developer code to a better direction?It's all a time investment, but why do you invest time without any compensation?
If you type xxx.kr like this, I'm trying to connect you to the github page xxx.URL forwarding is not possible because mx record is being used for kr.
I'm just learning Git. I am posting a question because I have a question in the merge process.git checkout -b fetch-a Add README.md File Content via vi Editor git commit -m modify readmegit checkout m...
Is there a way to change and delete the language under the GitHub repertoire?
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