89 questions
How can I change the size of the picture made with matplotlib?Without overwriting or creating anything new!
In the code below, you want to limit the y-axis from 0 to 1000 for the second plot.FFT has an infinite number, so I'm just going to cut it to the top 1000.import scipyfrom matplotlib import pylabxs = ...
When creating a subplot by subtracting Fig.add_subplot The returned object is called AxesSubplot, but I don't understand the meaning of AxesSubplot even after searching.I'm not sure how it affects the...
I think there might be a problem with the route, so I also checked the route where matplotlib was installed, and it seems to be the same. What's the problem, please help me.
It is a code that tries to graph the current death rate by Corona country. In this code, the for statement shows all the names of the countries on the page, the r_rate, and the country-specific mortal...
N = 80z = np.zeros((N,2))for h in range(0,80,1): z[h,0] = h #constants mass_earth = 5.9722*10**(24) #[kg] radius_earth = 6371*10**(3) #[m] universal_gravitational_const = 6.674*10**(-11) #[m^3/kg^-1*s...
We drew a graph by creating the following functional expression with Python.import numpy as npimport matplotlib.pyplot as pltx = np.arange(0, 10.1, 0.2)a = np.zeros(100*51)def f(x): y = np.exp(-0.5*x)...
import pandas as pddf =pd.read_csv(C:\\python37\\practice\\textmining\\ccccg\\xxx.csv, encoding='cp949')galexy_posts=df.get('song')print(galexy_posts[0:10])from eunjeon import Mecabtagger = Mecab()gal...
I'd like to put this name on the x-axis of 2018 2019 2020 2021 2022 and show it as a plot.How do I type the code to keep the 20180, 5 and 2019 values from coming up?
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