77 questions
I am using Xcode 8.2.1.I'm trying to build a project using a Push Notification.If you do not specify a Team, the Status of Signing will be Signing for IdentifyName requires a development team.and the ...
I was going to create an alarm application with monaca, but it didn't support background operation.Is it possible to use the original cordova?Also, which of the following specifications can you create...
I am developing an ios app in monaca.The application seems to be running in the background even when I press the home button.If you go back to the app, you will be returned to the screen of the game t...
Thank you for your help.If you write the URL of an external site in the page attribute of ons-tabbar-item, it opens in the app, so You will no longer be able to go back and so on.Therefore, when I tap...
Sorry for the rudimentary question.When I want to use cordova's js, should I use components loader.js?
Monaca is developing a hybrid app that supports both Android and IOS.When I press the link, I want to pass the coordinates of the current location and destination so that the Google Maps installed can...
I'd like to use Cordova api to get a list of files in a folder.dir.rootDir=a2015/;window.requestFileSystem(LocalFileSystem.PERSISTENT, 0 , function(fileSystem){ dir.root=fileSystem.root; // Create w...
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