599 questions
Here's a quick way to come up with ·Use ENUM·Create a Define classThat's it.What should I do?
I want Swift (OS X, Cocoa application) to detect a change in clipboard value.Currently, we are able to get the clipboard value, and we are able to reflect it on the label by pressing the button.The ne...
classAVPlayerView: UIView {//...(1) Create AVPlayerView by inheriting class from UIView required init (coder adecoder:NSCoder) { super.init(coder:aDecoder) } override init (frame:CGRect) { super.ini...
As I wrote in swift4, it is not possible to pass values between different views.I would like to save the text I wrote in ViewController1 to userdefaults and display it in ViewController2's tableView.I...
https://developer.apple.com/library/ios/referencelibrary/GettingStarted/DevelopiOSAppsSwift/Lesson3.html#//apple_ref/doc/uid/TP40015214-CH22-SW1In the iOS Developer Library swift tutorial Connect the ...
I am creating a video editing application with swift.Using AVFoundation, we create the ability to add logos to videos.I was able to find some samples of objective-c, but I don't have many samples with...
I don't know how to play the loop in AVAudioPlayer.Does anyone know?
I am a beginner at Swift, but I would like to create an application using MDCSwipeToChoose, so I would like to refer to the following article in Qiita and create the same one for practice, but I got a...
On ipad, there is an item that sizeClass is specified as regular in order to change this layout, but both the emulator and the actual machine do not respond, and for some reason the setting of any is ...
I am not sure if the title of the question is correct, so if there is a problem, please let me know.I was creating an application on Swift, and I tried to improve performance using METAL.It's working ...
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