76 questions
I used marginBottom to keep a distance between items in the list view. There hasn't been much change.How do I keep each item at a distance?<LinearLayoutandroid:id=@+id/alarm_occurencesandroid:layou...
We are currently using the toolbar, tabs, and viewpager, and each is shown in the fragments. There are three tabs, and each time you turn over the screen, the data is being retrieved from the server. ...
I want to hide the title bar from the activity. I applied style to all activitiesIf you use @android:style/theme.NoTitleBar, the title bar disappearsI can't use that. Is there any other way?
Is it possible to draw a border around the text view?
If you look at XML layout properties, there are Android:gravity and Android:layout_gravityWhen adding values such as center, center_vertical, center_horizontal, etcPlease explain the difference betwee...
If you look at XML properties, there are match_parent and fill_parent What's the difference between the two?It looks similar to me, so I'm confused
To be honest, I think it's easy to make this shape.The problem is that I want to put a button in that window and move on to another fragment or activity when I press the button.Currently, the way to m...
What is the difference between fill_parent and wrap_content?
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