170 questions
http://tomoyamkung.net/2014/08/27/linux-git-install/I installed Git from the source in CentOS with this reference.The latest version has been released this time, so I would like to update it, but I do...
http://tomoyamkung.net/2014/08/27/linux-git-install/I installed Git from the source in CentOS with this reference.The latest version has been released this time, so I would like to update it, but I do...
I would like a utility to assist me in developing and releasing applications and libraries.I don't know anything other than authoring tools limited to Perl, but I prefer the most generic one.What is t...
I would like to manage the code I wrote in IPython Notebook with Git.Committing *.ipynb makes it hard to see the difference.Leave the advantages of executing code on a cell-by-cell basis.Is there any ...
I would like a utility to assist me in developing and releasing applications and libraries.I don't know anything other than authoring tools limited to Perl, but I prefer the most generic one.What is t...
I would like to manage the code I wrote in IPython Notebook with Git.Committing *.ipynb makes it hard to see the difference.Leave the advantages of executing code on a cell-by-cell basis.Is there any ...
The master branch cannot be deleted in bitbucket, but there are other branches that I don't want to disappear.Do you have any configuration in place?Also, do you have the ability to protect branch del...
I recently purchased the new macbook pro 14 inch, downloaded sourcecetree, linked it with github, and cloned it, but I couldn't solve the problem when I looked it up with an error like the image😭If an...
Suppose you were working on a Git (GitHub) remote branch, such as:master --develop --branchA --branchB --branchCIn normal operations, when each branch is developed, it is merged into develop...
Based on the article below, I set git-completion.bash and git-prompt.sh.Good news for you like I don't know how to supplement Git and I use git status 100 times a day itgit-completion and git-prompt /...
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