2228 questions
An Access Violation error occurs when creating programs using OpenCV and analog cameras.I'm multi-threaded and I'm converting the image I got from the camera on the first thread to cv::Mat. I'm trying...
Thank you for your continuous support.Use Okhttp client in commercial applications I am considering it.Regarding the description of the license, I was going to decide what to display on the screen by ...
Android POSTs sqlite data and stores the data in the sent data, but even if an error occurs while fiddling with the recipient's PHP, it is considered to have been communicated and stored in the data i...
Let me ask you a question where the Unity 4 introduction is full.I skipped the chicken object as a bullet and entered the Java code in C# that says if the bullets hit each other, they would stick toge...
Hello When I try to make a 2D game with sprite while using unity 5.2, the simple movement is sometimes unstable (shaking every 3 seconds).The bigger the character on the screen, the more noticeable it...
Hi, everyone.I have a question about Android and Okhttp3.I implemented session login using Okhttp3 (3.10.0) and PersistentCookieStore, but I can't log in on Android 10 without any problems (Log in).Wh...
If it is a game that is supposed to move frame by frame like action, I think it would be good to add a function of movement processing to Update and loop the function at the frame update interval, but...
An error occurs when you set EditText to onClick in activity_main on Android.The code is as follows, and if you erase the onClick code, you will not get an error.Please let me know if you know more.&l...
Is it possible to turn on and off the physical keyboard on and off on Android?The software keyboard can be turned on and off with InputMethodManager, but I didn't know which API can switch between phy...
I am thinking of implementing AdMob using Unity 5.3.It works well on iOS devices, but I get a compilation error on Android.What I did was (1) Obtain the unit ID for Android from the AdMob management s...
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