42 questions
ObjectARX is used to create a process for extracting line segments that are less than or equal to the specified length from the entire drawing.Loops with iterators take a long time, so I'm looking for...
I'm going to use Interop.GcadVbaLib for reference. In an environment where only IJCAD Mechanical is installed, everything works fine, but in an environment where Mechanical and Electrical are included...
Migrating the DXF Bulk Translation Module created in AutoCAD VBA to IJCAD 2019.I am trying to convert from VBA to DXF using SaveAS, but a file save dialog appears while executing the command, so I can...
We are developing C# at IJCAD 2018 Mechanical.when obtaining rectangular coordinates for the entire drawing on the programYou may get coordinates far away from the drawing.Even if you open the drawing...
I'm working on VBA of IJCAD 2017.I would like to ask you about the length dimension (GcadDimRotated).After selecting the length dimensions on the drawing in IJCAD, I would like to know the starting po...
In the quick selection of the IJCAD, the dimensions inputted to the priority of dimension values of the dimensions are extracted and selected, and the color or layer is changed to visualize the dimens...
IJCAD 2018 STD Standalone is developing customization commands.Questions included: Is it impossible to get the position of the center of the polyline from the properties or from the mass properties?Ob...
I am creating a tool palette using the .NET API of IJCAD 2019.If you have more than one tab in the Tools tab, you cannot switch the tab to another when you make the Tools tab smaller.Normally, the con...
In IJCAD 2019, I try to update the existing block definition with the following source and reflect it on the screen, but UpdateAnonymousBlocks() says, No method or operation is implemented.AutoCAD 201...
Thank you for your help.I am developing using GRX of IJCAD.IJCAD uses the plot output function to create a program that outputs preview images to PNG files.When you build it, ERROR 13 ERROR LNK 2019: ...
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