599 questions
Can I switch wifi on and off in iOS App?For example, turn on wifi from 9:00 AM to 9:00 PM and turn it off at other times.Would it be possible to do something like that?
I just don't understand how Range works, and I don't know how to calculate the start index to the number of characters acquired.What we want to implement is to get the start index to the end index.I d...
I am currently trying to shoot a video, but when I execute the following code, I get the error because more than one output of the same type is unsupported. var myDevice: AVCaptureDevice? let devices...
I have a question about swift. This time, I wrote the code for the following site to retrieve the value of the acceleration sensor using the CoreMotion framework, but the following warning message app...
Xcode 7.1, Swift 7.1 and Fabric Twitter 1.13.1.I use Fabric's TwitterKit to call POST statuses/update on Twitter's REST API, but it doesn't succeed.The code is as follows:let client=TWTRAPICclient() v...
In Xcode 7 (Swift), install PickerView (two items) and place the transition button under the part.If you select two things in PickerView, it will be displayed on the label, and if you press the button...
I'm a beginner in programming.Please refer to the code on the website below to study swift.https://youtachannel.com/swift-storyboard-size/I was creating a code that separates the storyboard by device....
Questions I want the cells to appear in SwiftTutorial's Create Table View.URL https://developer.apple.com/library/prerelease/ios/referencelibrary/GettingStarted/DevelopiOSAppsSwift/Lesson7.html#//appl...
When I set the return value to double type in func, I get an error in return.If anyone knows the cause, please let me know. varpcascore: Array <Double > = [3.2, 2.4, 3.5, 1.3]funcarrayplus(pcasc...
We are currently developing an application with Swift.Therefore, I have a question about the connection between swift and other languages.I'd like to use the main component analysis in app development...
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