python tag

Python is a high-level, interpreted, general-purpose programming language. Its design philosophy emphasizes code readability with the use of significant indentation.

Python is dynamically-typed and garbage-collected. It supports multiple programming paradigms, including structured (particularly procedural), object-oriented and functional programming. It is often described as a "batteries included" language due to its comprehensive standard library.

Guido van Rossum began working on Python in the late 1980s as a successor to the ABC programming language and first released it in 1991 as Python 0.9.0. Python 2.0 was released in 2000 and introduced new features such as list comprehensions, cycle-detecting garbage collection, reference counting, and Unicode support. Python 3.0, released in 2008, was a major revision that is not completely backward-compatible with earlier versions. Python 2 was discontinued with version 2.7.18 in 2020.

Python consistently ranks as one of the most popular programming languages. It is used by many organizations and companies. Pixar, Disney, Instagram and the developers of the Linux Kernel are among many of it's high-profile users, which includes many developers of Free and Open source software.

Reference: WIKIPEDIA

4650 questions

1 answers
list a monotonically increasing sequence over a range

Is there a way to enumerate a sequence that meets the following conditions?A positive integer column of length N1<=A_1<=A_2<=...=A_N<=M1<=N,M<=10By using the recursive function, I wa...

2 years ago

2 answers
Unable to retrieve data under certain conditions in Pandas.

Windows 10Python 3.XpandasData DescriptionWe would like to use the following df for data processing.This is made up of columns called id, number, and classification.Multiple IDs are duplicated, and th...

2 years ago

1 answers
Error performing single regression analysis in Python AttributeError 'LinearRegression' object has no attribute 'pledict'

When I try to perform regression analysis in Python, I get an error when I proceed as per the site I refer to.Please tell me the solution.error messageAttributeError'LinearRegression' object has no at...

2 years ago

1 answers
Can Anaconda be used as a sandbox environment for Python?

I want to create an environment like Python sandbox on Linux.Is it the right decision to deploy Anaconda to build the environment without destroying the original environment?Anaconda can create a virt...

2 years ago

1 answers
Can Anaconda be used as a sandbox environment for Python?

I want to create an environment like Python sandbox on Linux.Is it the right decision to deploy Anaconda to build the environment without destroying the original environment?Anaconda can create a virt...

2 years ago

1 answers
Error performing single regression analysis in Python AttributeError 'LinearRegression' object has no attribute 'pledict'

When I try to perform regression analysis in Python, I get an error when I proceed as per the site I refer to.Please tell me the solution.error messageAttributeError'LinearRegression' object has no at...

2 years ago

1 answers
Error in drawing using matplotlib unhashable type: 'numpy.ndarray'

If you run the following program in VSCode, an error message appears and the graph does not appear.Please let me know if there is a solution.errorAn exception has occurred: TypeError unhashable type: ...

1 answers
single regression analysis with python

I'm the first person to do regression analysis on python.If you proceed as per the reference site, the error message AttributeError'LinearRegression' object has no attribute 'pledict' appears.Please t...

2 years ago

1 answers
Error in drawing using mtplotlib unhashable type: 'numpy.ndarray'

If you run the following program in VSCode, an error message appears and the graph does not appear.Please let me know if there is a solution.errorAn exception has occurred: TypeError unhashable type: ...

1 answers
Error in drawing using mtplotlib unhashable type: 'numpy.ndarray'

If you run the following program in VSCode, an error message appears and the graph does not appear.Please let me know if there is a solution.errorAn exception has occurred: TypeError unhashable type: ...

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