javascript tag

JavaScript (/ˈdʒɑːvəskrɪpt/), often abbreviated JS, is a programming language that is one of the core technologies of the World Wide Web, alongside HTML and CSS. As of 2022, 98% of websites use JavaScript on the client side for web page behavior, often incorporating third-party libraries. All major web browsers have a dedicated JavaScript engine to execute the code on users' devices.

JavaScript is a high-level, often just-in-time compiled language that conforms to the ECMAScript standard. It has dynamic typing, prototype-based object-orientation, and first-class functions. It is multi-paradigm, supporting event-driven, functional, and imperative programming styles. It has application programming interfaces (APIs) for working with text, dates, regular expressions, standard data structures, and the Document Object Model (DOM).

The ECMAScript standard does not include any input/output (I/O), such as networking, storage, or graphics facilities. In practice, the web browser or other runtime system provides JavaScript APIs for I/O.

JavaScript engines were originally used only in web browsers, but are now core components of some servers and a variety of applications. Two of the most popular runtime systems for this usage are Node.js and Deno.

Although Java and JavaScript are similar in name, syntax, and respective standard libraries, the two languages are distinct and differ greatly in design.

Reference: WIKIPEDIA

1427 questions

2 answers
react redox form tag onSubmit does not work

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How Chromium-Based Edge Enhancements Determine the Running Browser

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I want to condition all javascript integer values

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1 years ago

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I am creating a blog site with Angular.I have a question about how to keep the data on the blog page I created.

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1 years ago

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1 years ago

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I want to create a program that I can search using Ruby etc. [Closed]

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