59 questions
environment:Windows 10 + PowerShell 5.1/7.2 (either) Suppose you created a folder called D:\work\■test that contains a black square.Copy (Ctl+C) the string from this folder to the clipboard and paste ...
I'm creating a GUI that does a lot of things with PowerShell.Because there are a number of processes that require associative arrays, the function for creating associative arrays is once sandwiched an...
I'd like to have some groups in the subform and create text, labels, etc. in those boxes.This is an image that creates an input form.Below is the code for the part that is in question#Subforms$optionf...
This is an additional question for This questionHere is the code you answered:#Associative Array CreationFunction makeHashTable{ Param( param1, param2 ) for ($i by index number) { $value=@() forea...
I built a Dokerfile, created an image, and ran a docker run.The following error cannot be resolved: docker: invalid reference format.See'docker run --help'.When I looked into it, I looked at the artic...
I built a Dokerfile, created an image, and ran a docker run.The following error cannot be resolved: docker: invalid reference format.See'docker run --help'.When I looked into it, I looked at the artic...
I'm a beginner in programming.I participated in the workshop and decided to use the list named results.The instructor shared the list on Google Collaboration, so the first thing I copied the list to V...
Window 10proVscode 1.70.2Python 3.9.10<-python interpreter selected under virtual environment/ENV folder by python venvPowershell Extension v2022.7.2Vscode enhancements PowerShell Python Python Ex...
View the log files that the script or RPA outputs in real time with the Get-Content option in PowerShell.Sometimes, the script and RPA terminate abnormally due to the error of not opening the log file...
As you can see in the title, I don't want to delete only certain folders as below.It's not working.Is there any way?$filePath='C:\temp\# folder to be deleted$excludeItem='Processed'# Folder you want t...
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