load tag

12 questions

1 answers
[Python 3] When downloading the file, the file name is brought from the content disposition, and it is a problem with broken Korean.

Download the file to Python and get the file name from content disposition to save it.However, the Korean alphabet of the file name is printed in the form of %ㅁ%ㅁ, just like the urlSymbols, numbers, l...

1 years ago

1 answers
I'm asking you this question because there was an error when I was trying to download wget through Python

This is a library import wgetimport mathimport re from urllib import requestThis is the address and file list to receive.url = ftp://ftp.hycom.org/datasets/GLBy0.08/expt_93.0/data/hindcasts/2021/html ...

2 years ago
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